Open Beta Vision
Over the past few months, we have devoted our resources to developing the first beta version of Astarter Launchpad on Cardano.
Our Launchpad Open Beta Testnet has gone live by 25th May 2022. Welcome to have a test and you can check testing instructions on the previous "Open Beta Tutorial
" page.
The goal of the first beta version is to make Cardano's Mainnet assets and token pool reach a viable and usable, fixed exchange platform, creating a market for connection pool creators and liquidity providers.
Liquidity pool creators will be able to initiate token exchanges in a permissionless environment. Liquidity providers will be able to earn and trade these new tokens.
Community incentives, such as; liquidity mining, will be implemented as soon as possible to guide network effects.
Our Astarter community is strong and growing and will participate in the incentivized beta program improving the usability and interface to optimize the experience before the official live launch in the Cardano ecosystem.
Last updated